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簡單 EFT

1 / EFT Basic Points

Where are the basic set of EFT acupressure points? What do we do on the points?

Here we demonstrate the location of the basic set of acupressure points used in EFT while tapping along.

EFT Points Download

2 / The Simplest Way

How to use EFT the simplest way?

Here we demonstrate the simplest way using EFT to get our states back to where we want them.

3 / EFT Advance Points

Are there other acupressure points we can used in EFT?

Here we demonstrate the location of another set of acupressure points used in EFT, in addition to the basic points.

EFT Points Download

4 / A Discreet Way

How can we use EFT when we don't want too much attention  in a public place?

Here we demonstrate a discreet way to use EFT in a public place without drawing too much attention.

5 / The Cleaner

What do we need to know when using EFT? Is there anything we should keep in mind when using it?

Here we explain the main function of EFT and things we better pay attention.

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